Brief Description
Mercator MedSystems, Inc. is a medical technology company focused on the treatment of peripheral artery disease utilizing its catheter-guided, microfluid infusion systems for site-specific, non-systemic delivery of therapeutic agents directly across any blood vessel. The Company's technology also enables the commercialization of novel therapeutics for other vascular diseases, hypertension, oncology, and regenerative medicine. The Company's Cricketª and Bullfrog Micro-Infusion Catheters are the first vascular-access systems able to infuse drugs, genes, and cells safely through vessel walls into deep tissues without major surgery.
UC Berkeley Professor of Mechanical Engineering Albert Pisano and doctoral student Kirk Seward (Berkeley PhD, Mechanical Engineering, 2001) co-founded Mercator MedSystems to commercialize their MEMS-enabled breakthrough in medical device design and manufacturing. Today, the company’s medical devices are used around the world to deliver drugs, stem cells and other therapies to tissues at precise locations deep with the body.
Formerly known as EndoBionics, Inc.
- 2000. Company founded
Albert Pisano, Kirk Seward