Medical Therapeutics

KaRNAteq, Inc.

Brief Description

KaRNATeq develops tools for RNA sequencing that are the next step forward in genomics. The enzymes developed by the company enable doctors and scientists to capture more information at reduced cost.

Timeline 2019. Company founded Inventors

Kathleen Collins, Heather Upton

Addition Therapeutics

Brief Description

Addition is transforming genetic medicine by developing RNA-only therapeutics that PRINT™ any genetic element at specific safe harbor sites.

Timeline 2021. Company founded Inventors

Kathy Collins, Jeremy John McIntyre, Sarah Madeline Palm, Heather Upton, Briana Nicole Van Treeck. Xiaozhu Zhang

Juvena Therapeutics

Brief Description

Juvena Therapeutics is a venture-backed biopharma startup discovering novel protein-based therapeutics that promote tissue regeneration in the elderly and treat various age-related diseases. We are building a protein-based discovery platform by implementing an efficient identification, screening and preclinical development pipeline.

Timeline 2017. Company founded Inventors

Michael Conboy, Irina Conboy, David Schaffer, and Hanadie Yousef

Renovis, Inc.

Brief Description

Renovis, Inc. was a biopharmaceutical company developing drugs to treat neurological diseases and disorders. The company used molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and informatics to identify and select small molecule drug candidates that meet stringent standards for development.

Renovis was founded by UC Berkeley and UCSF faculty. Founder Corey Goodman was the UC Berkeley chair of neurobiology, head of the neurobiology division, and co-founder and director of the Wills...

4D Molecular Therapeutics LLC

Brief Description 4D Molecular Therapeutics is a global leader in gene therapy product research and development using scientific innovation to unlock the full potential of gene therapy for patients with genetic diseases. Their robust discovery platform, termed Directed Vector Evolution, empowers creation of customized gene delivery vehicles (novel AAV vectors) to deliver normal genes to tissues or organs with defective genes. as occurs in genetic diseases. This 4DMT discovery technology was originally developed over 15 years by co-Founder David Schaffer at UC Berkeley. Timeline 2012...


Brief Description

MuscleMatrix is developing a hydrogel that could change how medics treat traumatic injuries on the battlefield, as well as revolutionize surgical repairs for civilians with soft tissue injuries. Traumatic and surgical injuries of soft tissue that involve underlying skeletal muscle remain one of the greatest challenges to tissue reconstruction. Severe injuries, such as those involving the loss of a substantial portion of muscle tissue, are not capable of healing on their own and are referred to as volumetric muscle loss (VML) injuries. By definition, VML results in...

Vivere Oncotherapies

Brief Description

Gene and cell therapies for cancer.

Timeline 2024. Company founded. Inventors

Adam Schieferecke, John Dueber, David Schaffer, Juan Eduardo Hurtado, Hyun-Cheol Lee

Algen Biotechnologies

Brief Description

Algen Biotechnologies is building a next-generation, functional genomics-based platform for the discovery of novel therapeutics for cancers with high unmet need. Algen’s research group focuses on developing and applying novel functional genomics technologies to address scientific challenges in drug discovery. The company's biologists and data scientists are collaborating to deliver innovative, patient-centric medicines for the toughest-to-treat diseases.

The company was founded to commercialize technology developed at UC Berkeley while Algen Biotechnologies CEO...

Tessera Therapeutics, Inc.

Brief Description

Developer of gene writing technology designed to permanently make small and large alterations to the human genome. The company's technology helps scientists and clinicians with the ability to write small and large therapeutic messages into the genome to treat diseases at their source, enabling healthcare providers to cure their patients and improve their lives.

Tessera Scientific Advisory Board Member David Schaffer co-invented the company's foundational technology as UC Berkeley Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering, Molecular and Cell...

ReRx Therapeutics

Brief Description

ReRx is developing novel oral therapeutics to treat patients with severe metabolic diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and liver diseases. The company's therapeutics target metabolic pathways involved in regulating energy homeostasis and improve treatment outcomes compared to similar pharmacological agents.

Timeline 2023. Company founded; Joins Berkeley Skydeck Cohort 17 Inventors

Chi Zhu, Anders Michael Naar, Justin Yu-Sun Lee