Inventor Office Hours

Need help? Licensing and industry sponsor officers from IPIRA are available by appointment. We are excited to hear about your latest research and help you identify the best path to commercialize your invention and/or facilitate corporate sponsor and research funding on your behalf.

IPIRA staff help with:

  • Commercial assessment of inventions
  • Startup formation advice
  • Overview of funding sources
  • How to attract research sponsors
  • Understanding the technology transfer process
  • Intellectual property protection and inventor rights
  • Patenting process

To schedule a meeting, reach out to IPIRA staff individually or email and the appropriate officer will be in touch.

Build Your Financial Model Office Hours 

Rob Schock has over 30 years of senior management from Fortune 100 companies to Silicon Valley start-ups. As Chief Financial Officer, Rob has installed management control systems, created business models, run accounting departments, designed compensation programs, and managed investor, bank and auditor relationships. Rob is currently a part-time CFO at Picture Marketing, and a founding member of the Venture Consulting Group (“VCG”), a network of executives providing consulting and management services to early stage and emerging technology companies. Rob served as a mentor for Keiretsu Entrepreneur Academy, and UC Berkeley Haas Business School’s and UC Davis Business School's Annual Business Plan Competitions.

Location: 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley

Dates: First and third Tuesday of each month, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

To sign up, email