Innovation Services

UC Berkeley's Office of Intellectual Property and Industry Research Alliances (IPIRA) offers a variety of Innovation Services to design, negotiate, and execute contractual agreements between the university and third parties that leverage or support Berkeley's dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem. These Innovation Services include:

  • Program Design
  • Policy Vetting and Diligence
  • Drafting and Executing Agreements

Thinking about starting a new I&E program? Reach out to IPIRA for guidance.

Contact the IPIRA Concierge for more information.

Berkeley's vast I&E ecosystem provides education, infrastructure, and numerous resources to inventors, entrepreneurs, and startups.

The dynamism of the campus's I&E ecosystem is driven by interactions with leading corporations, investors, and other entities, as well as startups.


What Type of Contract/Award is an Innovation Services Agreement?

Innovation Services Agreements are treated by the campus as “Other Sponsored Projects.” In some cases (including for entrepreneurship training and mentoring) the same activities could be deemed Sponsored Instruction. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR Appendix III to Part 200) defines and determines indirect costs and rates for higher education institutes.

Which Office Handles Innovation Services Agreements?

IPIRA handles agreements with third parties for UC Berkeley’s innovation and entrepreneurship programs. These are called Innovation Services Agreements and may be entered with startup companies, accelerators, incubators, and economic development organizations. By handling Innovation Services, IPIRA helps nurture and enhance: Berkeley’s relationships with entrepreneur networks on and off campus, its contracting authorities, its stewardship of campus intellectual property, and its connection to university compliance offices. IPIRA also has ample experience with the policy issues relevant to...

What Indirect Cost Rate Applies to Innovation Services Agreements?

While UC Berkeley’s Facilities and Administrative (Indirect Cost) Rate Agreement already covers Other Sponsored Projects and Sponsored Instruction, an exceptional 20% indirect cost rate applies to Innovation Services agreements when the following criteria are met:

The university is supporting its entrepreneurial ecosystem through this program. The companies using this program are pre-revenue companies (no product sales). The agreement is non-negotiable as with other membership-type agreements. All companies in the...

How is Overhead Distribution Handled, and What is Returned to My Program?

The largest percentage of the overhead, 10.5%, is returned to the I&E program and its supporting administrative unit. Similar to the overhead distribution for Industry Affiliate Programs, the net overhead returned to campus from Innovation Services for Extramural Sponsors (adjusted to reflect the fact that the Office of the President retains a percentage of the overhead generated) is distributed in its entirety by a formula based on the following breakdown of the 20% rate:

4%: To the Director of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program, or academic department for program...