IPIRA Startups

IPIRA Startups

BioAmp Diagnostics

Brief Description

BioAmp develops novel, instrument-free screening and diagnostic tools to identify antibiotic-resistant bacteria in patient samples.

Timeline 2017. Company founded, and participated in the Citris Foundry accelerator program Inventors

Tara DeBoer, Niren Murthy, Jessica Marie Palomino, Lee Woodland Riley

Ceres, Inc.

Brief Description

Ceres, Inc. produced seeds of genetically modified crops used for biofuel production. The biotech company, based in Thousand Oaks, California, with a subsidiary in Brazil called Ceres Sementes do Brasil, operated from 1996 to 2016, when it was acquired by Land O'Lakes.

Timeline 1996. Company founded 2016. Company acquired by Land O'Lakes Inventors

Robert Fischer, Yeonhee Choi, Van-Dinh Dang, Mary Gehring, Robert Goldberg, Michael Hannon, John Harada, Tetsu Kinoshita, Tomohiro Kiyosue, Linda Margossian, Yukiko Mizukami, Nir Ohad,...

CNNSuperChip, Inc.

Brief Description

CNNSuperChip was founded to commercialize a supercomputer on a chip, called a cellular neural network, with a parallel analong array processor architecture similar to the retina.

Timeline 2006. Company founded Inventors

Leon O. Chua, Tamas Roska, Frank Werblin, Lin Yang

Clarity Movement Co.

Brief Description

Clarity Movement Co. is a team of passionate engineers and scientists focused on making a positive impact in the world by tackling the global air pollution crisis. We leverage our expertise in air sensing technology, IoT devices, and data analytics to create solutions that empower communities to make more informed decisions and improve quality of life. Having already developed the world’s most accurate low-cost particulate matter sensor, Clarity is now deploying the next generation of dense air quality monitoring networks around the world to build smarter cities through...

Chiron Corporation

Brief Description

Chiron Corporation was an American biotechnology company engaged in biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and blood testing.

Timeline 1981. Company founded 1990. Company Initial Public Offering on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol of CHIR. 2006. Acquired by Novartis Inventors

Henry Chang, Felix Karim, Gerald Rubin, Marc Therrien, David Wassarman

Tsingpo Tech, LLC

Brief Description

Tsingpo Tech is developing a technology invented at UC Berkeley for 3-dimensional chemical sensing on 2-dimensional surfaces.

Timeline 2018. Company founded Inventors

Takeshi Hayasaka, Liwei Lin, YuMeng (Simon) Liu


Brief Description

Editing T-cells with nanopore-electroporation to improve CRISPR-Cas9 editing capabilities.

Timeline 2021. Company founded Inventors

YuHong Cao, Jennifer Doudna, Enbo Ma, Peidong Yang

4D Molecular Therapeutics LLC

Brief Description 4D Molecular Therapeutics is a global leader in gene therapy product research & development using scientific innovation to unlock the full potential of gene therapy for patients with genetic diseases. Their robust discovery platform, termed Directed Vector Evolution, empowers us to create customized gene delivery vehicles (novel AAV vectors) to deliver genes to any tissue or organ in the body. These customized products allow us to deliver normal genes to tissues with defective genes (as occurs in genetic diseases). This 4DMT discovery technology was originally developed...

Emerging Objects Corp.


Emerging Objects is an independent, creatively driven, 3D Printing MAKE-tank specializing in innovations in 3D printing architecture and building components. Emerging Objects' innovation lies in the unique approach to materials and sizes and the belief that 3D printing is the medium where good ideas become real.

UC Berkeley Professor of Architecture Ronald Rael co-founded Emerging Objects with San Jose State University Professor of Design Virginia San Fratello.

Timeline 2013. Company founded Inventors

Ronald Rael

Epigenetic Gene Editing

Brief Description

Epigenetic Gene Editing is a gene editing tools company dedicated to improvements in CRISPR-Cas9 editing by providing a fusion protein kit to gene editing companies.

Formerly known as EPI-CRISPRx.

Timeline 2021. Company founded Inventors

Enrique Lin Shiao, Jennifer Doudna