Renovis, Inc.


Brief Description

Renovis, Inc. was a biopharmaceutical company developing drugs to treat neurological diseases and disorders. The company used molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and informatics to identify and select small molecule drug candidates that meet stringent standards for development.

Renovis was founded by UC Berkeley and UCSF faculty. Founder Corey Goodman was the UC Berkeley chair of neurobiology, head of the neurobiology division, and co-founder and director of the Wills Neuroscience Institute. Founder Marc-Tessier Lavigne was a professor of anatomy, and biochemistry and biophysics, at UC San Francisco. Both were also investigators with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the time.


  • 2000. Company founded
  • 2008. Renovis, Inc. acquired by Evotec AG


David Lin, Percy Luu, John Ngai, Tito Serafini