Travertine Technologies

Travertine Technologies Logo

Brief Description

Travertine partners with mining and fertilizer operations around the world to recharge critical element production with a circular, electrified process. Standard mining methods use megatons of sulfuric acid annually, and dispose of vast amounts of byproducts, such as phosphorus, lithium, and nickel. The Travertine process upcycles sulfate byproducts into carbon-negative sulfuric acid and green hydrogen, while siumultaneously and permanently sequestering CO2 from the air into carbonate minerals.

Travertine Founder and CEO Laura Lammers obtained a PhD at UC Berkeley in environmental geochemistry and served as UC Berkeley assistant professor of geochemistry in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management prior to spinning out the company based on her discoveries.


  • 2022. Company founded


Laura Nielsen Lammers