Receive or Send Materials or Data

Can I sign an MTA or DUA myself?

No. MTAs and DUAs are contracts between institutions rather than individuals, so the agreement must be signed by UC Berkeley

Research materials and data are owned by the university, not by individual researchers. Only an officer with the delegated authority to bind the institution can sign on behalf of UC Berkeley.

When do I need a material transfer or data use agreement?

You need a material transfer agreement (MTA) whenever tangible materials (e.g., mice, cell lines, blood, saliva, tissue, human cells) are transferred to or from UC Berkeley. A data use agreement (DUA) is needed when data (e.g., economic/financial data or healthcare data, including human patient data governed by HIPAA) is transferred to or from UC Berkeley. MTAs and DUAs are contracts between institutions rather than individuals, so the agreement must be signed by UC Berkeley.