Software Copyright Notice And Disclaimer

All software developed at UC Berkeley should be copyright protected and thereby bear a clear, standardized copyright notice along with a disclaimer notice. This copyright and disclaimer notice protects the software author(s) and the University of California from any liability that might result, however remote, from the use of the software. Accordingly, the use of this notice is especially applicable to software made available for use beyond the author(s), and includes software distributed as "freeware" or open source via either computer networks, the Office of Technology Licensing, or other UC Berkeley organizations.

For software distributed with source code, the copyright and disclaimer notice should be imbedded within each file. For software distributed on physical media (e.g. CD ROM), the copyright and disclaimer notice should be printed on an external label (as well as in any source code). For software binary code distributed over a network, the copyright notice should be embedded in a "readme.txt" file that is sent along with the software. If practicable, the copyright notice should appear on an opening binary code display.

The approved format for the UC Berkeley Copyright and Disclaimer Notice is appended below. An acknowledgement of the software author(s) can be added to this notice. Note that the following copyright and disclaimer language assumes the most likely application of the UC Copyright Policy -- which is that the University is the sole owner of the software. Your particular software ownership situation might differ; for example, you might solely own the software, or there might be joint ownership of the software. If you have questions regarding software ownership, or any other questions about copyrightable software, then contact the Office of Technology Licensing.