Oswald Green Technologies, Inc.

GO2 Water Inc.

Brief Descripion

Oswald Green Technologies, Inc., is an environmental solutions company with a proven carbon-negative technology for reclaiming water, energy, and nutrients from municipal, industrial and agricultural wastewater. The Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems (AIWPS) technology, in which wastewater passes through a series of ponds to be treated, involves the use of algae photosynthesis. The algae produce oxygen that allows aerobic bacteria to break down remaining contaminants in the water. The water is then reclaimed through a series of tertiary processes for reuse and recycling in such applications as agricultural irrigation.

The innovative and continually improving AIWPS Technology has served municipalities and industries for over forty years. AIWPS Facilities have been designed to meet and exceed all standards, including the world's highest reclamation standards (California Title 22). The AIWPS Technology imitates nature; it is ecologically efficient. Because of its ecological efficiency, it provides a higher quality level of treatment at lower capital, operations, maintenance, and life-cycle costs, as compared with conventional wastewater treatment technologies.

UC Berkeley Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Public Health William J. Oswald developed AIWPS. He was an innovator in algae biotechnology and natural wastewater treatment, leading to the designs of water treatment centers powered primarily by solar energy, making wastewater treatment more affordable and sustainable. He founded the company in conjunction with Lawrence Berkeley National Lab research scientist Bailey Green, a former PhD student of Oswald's in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. 

Formerly known as Go2Water and also as Oswald Green LLC.


  • 1996. Company founded as Oswald Green LLC in California.
  • 2007. Reformed as GO2 Water, Inc. in California.
  • 2013. Merged with Oswald Green Techlologies, Inc. and relocated to North Carolina.


Franklin Green, William J. Oswald