Brief Description
The company developed MPEG-4 advanced video coding (AVC) compression systems designed for HD video content delivery. The technology, based on how the brain processes images, was co-invented by UC Berkeley Professor of Neurobiology William Geoffrey Owen and Sean McCarthy (Berkeley PhD, Bioengineering). The inventors co-founded startup Sensory Technologies, later renamed Viasense, to commercialize a perceptual processing tool kit for professional pay TV encoders, leveraging their research into the biology of human vision. The intellectual property was then licensed to Modulus Video, a company formed by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Raj Sandhu and Rob Robinett. McCarthy served as Chief Scientific Officer of Modulus Video until it was acquired by Motorola.
Modulus Video, Inc. was acquired by Motorola in 2007.
Formerly known as ViaSense, Sensory Tech.
- 2003. Company founded
- 2007. Modulus Video, Inc. acquired by Motorola
Sean McCarthy, William Owen