Transformational Transportation Technologies, Inc.

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Brief Description

Transformational Transportation Technologies develops infrastructure-assisted approaches   facilitate self-driving cars, including automated vehicle lateral guidance. The company's rail-like automated mobility provides a fail-safe system with measurable reliability for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) fleets.

The company was spun out to deploy magnetic guidance technology developed at UC Berkeley by researchers Drs. Wei-Bin Zhang and Robert Parsons, in the California Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) program. Transformational Transportation Technologies and its partner, Shanghai Electric Co., established a joint venture in Shanghai for the commercialization of a magnetic-guidance-based Advanced Driver Assist System (ADAS).


  • 2016. Company founded
  • 2017. First prototype driven
  • 2021. Implemented fused magnetic guidance and vision sensing technologies for ADAS applications. and deployed a fleet of eleven buses on a dedicated transit line in the Shanghai suburbs


Fanping Bu, Thomas Hessburg, Wei-Bin Zhang