No, if the sponsor of your project is the federal or state government, or a non-profit or a foreign government, please keep working with the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO). If your project is sponsored by industry, the Industry Alliances Office (IAO) will handle your agreement. If the review and negotiation of the agreement requires advice, SPO and IAO will work together to come to a workable solution.
If your research requires human biological specimens or data that was collected from humans, the research project must be reviewed and approved by the Office for the Protection of the Human Subjects (OPHS). OPHS coordinates the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Berkeley campus. Please check with the OPHS Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) for guidance on what research needs CPHS/OPHS review
The more complete the information provided at the outset, the more expeditious the review. The material or data provider’s agreement will likely include language that must be negotiated so that the final terms are aligned with UC policies and practices, as well as state and federal laws and regulations, so please plan ahead.
Your request will be assigned to an IAO negotiator who will review the information you have provided. In the case of materials, IAO will verify with the UC Berkeley Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) that the use of the materials is compatible with your lab’s biological use authorization (BUA). In the case of data, IAO will work with Research IT and/or the Privacy Office if needed on questions pertaining to data security, data management plan, or privacy.
Since most MTAs and DUAs will require some revision, the IAO negotiator will reach out to the material or data...