For Researchers

Do innovation and entrepreneurship activities count toward faculty promotion and tenure?

Moving scholarly discoveries into society at large is an important element of the university's mission. UC Regents Policy 5105, effective May 2021, explicitly recognizes innovation and entrepreneurial achievements among the criteria for faculty promotion/merit or tenure review process. An April 2022 memo from UCOP Provost...

Request an I&E Metrics Report

IPIRA generates reports for UC Berkeley faculty, by request, of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) accomplishments tracked by IPIRA's peer divisions, the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) and the Industry Alliances Office (IAO).

Please submit a request below. A report will be emailed to you, listing the following I&E activities recorded between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2024.

Who Should Disclose Inventions

How do you know if you should disclose an invention to the Berkeley Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)?

Submit an invention disclosure if any of the following is true. The innovation was created:

by a UC Berkeley employee as part of their scope of employment, or using UC Berkeley research facilities, or using funds administered through UC Berkeley

An invention that meets any of those criteria, and therefore could potentially be owned by the university, must be disclosed to OTL under the UC employee agreement. This ensures the...

Evaluation of Inventions

You've submitted an invention disclosure to the UC Berkeley Office of Technology Licensing (OTL). What happens next?

How does OTL Assess Invention Disclosures?

Licensing Officers at Berkeley IPIRA OTL examine each invention disclosure to review: the novelty of the invention; protectability and marketability of potential products or services; relationship to related intellectual property; size and growth potential of the relevant market; amount of time and money required for further development; outside parties pre-existing rights associated with the intellectual property (IP); and...

Software Disclosures

UC Berkeley Office of Technology Licensing assists inventors and authors in licensing software under a variety of distribution strategies. In addition to licensing software code for commercial development and distribution, OTL licenses research code for non-commercial and/or academic purposes and assists authors in offering software via open source licenses.