Invention Disclosure

What happens to my disclosure after it is submitted?

Rights management: After a disclosure is received by the OTL, federal and other sponsors of the research program that led to the invention are notified (as is required by law), and the disclosure is assigned to a member of the licensing staff. That individual becomes the primary contact person for the inventor and manages the processes of: (a) determining the invention's ownership, third party rights and obligations, (b) evaluating the invention's commercial and patent/copyright potential, (c) assessing licensing prospects, and (d) prosecuting patents.


Will the University license my invention to a startup company that I founded?

The many start up companies that Berkeley employees have founded to commercialize Berkeley technology have made tremendous contributions to the local and State economies. The University has as obligation to license a given technology to the best qualified company, and to comply with the University and State conflict of interest and conflict of commitment rules. The best choice of licensee is often the company with the requisite expertise, and such expertise is often possessed only by one or more of the inventors. Faculty inventor entrepreneurs have successfully balanced their duties...