What is the MTA process for incoming materials?

Since the winter of 2015, Berkeley has been transitioning from a paper-based MTA request process to an online-based form in Phoebe. CSS/Department Research Administrators are encouraged to use Phoebe for all new MTAs for incoming materials. Contact IAO with any questions about MTAs and phoebe-help@lists.berkeley.edu for Phoebe-related questions.

Incoming MTAs were previously requested using a paper-based Incoming MTA Request Form, and a Lab Manager, grad student, faculty, or other employee working with the materials may have requested the MTA directly from IAO. Phoebe replaces the former Material Request Form. CSS/Department Research Administrators are now responsible for creating the Phoebe record for new incoming MTA requests, and the material user will be responsible for completing the Questions tab prior to submission to IAO.

For general Phoebe proposal preparation instructions, visit Phoebe Proposal Development guidance. This guidance will focus on the specifics of Material Transfer Agreements and will highlight the differences in requirements.

Only CSS/Department Research Administrators have permission to create MTA records in Phoebe. Material requesters, such as Lab Managers, Graduate Students, Postdocs, and Researchers, will need to be added as “aggregators” on the Permissions tab. This way, the material requester will be able to log into Phoebe and answer the questions on the Questions tab as well as upload any required compliance information.

Please refer to the Phoebe Proposal Development - MTAs on how to submit an MTA for incoming materials to the Industry Alliances Office.