An Industry Affiliate Program (IAP) is a research program where at least three companies join as Industry Members and receive the same benefits, including results and IP rights. Companies join an IAP by (i) signing a membership agreement, and (ii) paying the membership fees. Since IAP funds from membership fees support research activities, remember to report these funds when applying for federal funding. For listing current and pending (C&P) support, provide full transparency. A C&P disclosure statement could read: the “XX Center, funded in part by industry partners that include Company1, Company2,….” For agencies that require updated C&Ps, e.g., as part of annual reports, the list of companies should be updated if it changes over time.
In publications, it is okay to simply list the center name, and note that it is funded in part by industry partners. Please check with the journal in question, which may have specific community and journal standards. PIs should use their judgment.