Do innovation and entrepreneurship activities count toward faculty promotion and tenure?

Moving scholarly discoveries into society at large is an important element of the university's mission. UC Regents Policy 5105, effective May 2021, explicitly recognizes innovation and entrepreneurial achievements among the criteria for faculty promotion/merit or tenure review process. An April 2022 memo from UCOP Provost Michael Brown outlined I&E activities recognized in the Academic Personnel Process.

Faculty can request a list of I&E activities tracked by IPIRA. If you would like these activities assessed as part of your promotion and tenure review process, you can articulate the context and impact along with submitting the data in your dossier. You also may want to add other I&E metrics.

  • Startups. This report only shows startups in which (1) UC owns intellectual property licensed to the company, and (2) you are an inventor on the patent licensed to the startup company. Remember to list other startups you work with.
  • Industry Affiliate Programs, or Memberships. Remember that you may be a co-PI or affiliated PI in an industry affiliate program. Some are gift-based and some are contract-based, which means your notes and chartstrings may be different. For more information on contract-based Industry Affiliate Programs, please see
  • Industry Sponsored Institutes. Remember to list any industry sponsored institutes you participate in, like the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), California Research Alliance (CARA), Laboratory for Genomic Research (LGR), Center for CRISPR Target Discovery (CCTD), and C3ai Digital Transformation Institute (C3ai DTI). For more information, please see
  • Copyrights. Remember to include any software you may have released under an open source license.
  • Consulting. Remember to list your outside consulting and board seats.
  • Founder. Remember to include any companies for which you are a startup company founder.

Reach out to IPIRA Concierge at if you have questions.