Medical Diagnostics

Rewrite Therapeutics

Brief Description

Rewrite Therapeutics accelerates drug development using a proprietary CRISPR-based evolution platform. For more information, contact Shakked Halperin.

Formerly known as Evolve Biotech, and Rewrite Biotech.

The company was acquired by Intellia Therapeutics in 2022.

Timeline 2018. Company founded 2022. Acquired by Intellia Therapeutics Inventor

Shakked Halperin

CellScope Inc.

Brief Description

CellScope’s mission is to make healthcare more accessible and convenient. We are building smart mobile tools to empower families with easy access to health answers and care when they need it most.

CellScope was acquired. The details are not yet public.

Timeline 2010. Company founded Inventor David Breslauer, Jesse Dill, Erik Douglas, Daniel Fletcher, Wendy Hansen, Wilbur Lam, Robi Maamari, Amy Sheng, Neil Switz

Leucadia Technologies, Inc.

Brief Description

IRIS International acquired Leucadia Technologies for $10.1 million in 2006.

Timeline 1998. Company founded 2006. Acquired by IRIS International, Inc. Inventors

Charles Cantor, Roy Chuck, Doris Tse

C. Light Technologies, Inc.

Brief Description

C. Light Technologies, Inc. is revolutionizing the way we detect, monitor, and treat multiple sclerosis (MS) through the use of a patented, non-invasive, IRB-approved retinal eye-tracker - the tracking scanning laser ophthalmoscope (TSLO) with accompanying machine learning algorithms. In the future, our vision is to use the TSLO for other applications, including concussions, Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimer’s.

Timeline 2014. Company founded 2023. C. Light receives FDA clearance for retinal eye movement monitor, Retitrack Inventors


LuxDx, Inc.

Brief Description

A mobile molecular diagnostics system that leverages efficient and dependable blood sampling, automated sample preparation, rapid optical detection of multi-analyte nucleic acids and proteins, and user-friendly systems integration with wireless communication. The system includes a hand-held automated device with an adaptive sample control module, an optical signal transductio n module, and an interface to a smartphone

Timeline 2015. Company founded Inventors

Byungrae Cho, Luke Lee, Sang Hun Lee, Jun Ho Son

KaRNAteq, Inc.


KaRNATeq develops tools for RNA sequencing that are the next step forward in genomics. The enzymes developed by the company enable doctors and scientists to capture more information at reduced cost.


Kathleen Collins

KineMed Inc.

Brief Descriptiom

This field-leading biotech company worked with major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to produce data on target engagement, toxicity and disease progression to accelerate drug development and reduce the overall costs and risks. The pathway-based drug discovery and development company was founded to identify active drug candidates preclinically and confirm their therapeutic activity. The company helped in expediting the drug development process and provided real-time insight into conditions including metabolic disorders, cancer, and diseases of inflammation and...